Why We're Not Doing A Black Friday Sale

This weekend (Friday 26th-Mon 29th November) is Black Friday, a four-day retail holiday when many brands offer discounts and promotions in store and online. For the second year in a row, we won't be participating. Below we have outlined why.

Instead, we will be donating 20% of our net sales across the weekend to 4 different charities that our team have chosen. Scroll down to find out about the amazing work they each do!

Why we're opting out of a sale..

1. It's stressful for the W&M team

When we have done a sale in the past, it was extremely stressful for my team the following week and has a big knock-on effect on us right through Dec. ⁠

2. It's wasteful

Up to 80% of BF purchases are used just once before being thrown away (research by Green Alliance). BF heavily encourages people to buy stuff that they don’t really want, creating unnecessary waste.⁠

3. It's harmful

There is a huge spike in CO2 emissions created by the surge in Black Friday orders. With many people expecting next day delivery, this also puts a huge pressure on delivery services who are already struggling from CV19.⁠

4. It's misleading

Misleading offers are extremely common, with big retailers often inflating their prices in the lead-up to the weekend. Which? did a study that found 98% of prices they tracked were found to be the same or lower in the 6 months following BF.⁠

5. It's low quality

Some companies have even been reported to manufacture low quality items specifically to sell over Black Friday so they can still maintain large margins. (CNN & Forbes)⁠

6. It doesn't make sense for us

Does a sale right in the middle of our busiest period really make any sense? We offer small discounts at quieter times of the year so those who can’t normally afford our pieces still have an opportunity to buy.⁠

The wonderful charities we're supporting this year...

Black Minds Matter's (BMM) mission is to connect Black individuals and families with free mental health services.

Their aim is to make mental health topics more relevant and accessible for all Black people in the UK
, removing the stigma and remodelling the services to be relevant for the Black community. Through connecting Black people and their families to culturally appropriate and professional resources and services.

Rainbow Mind supports LGBTQI+ mental health. Run and led by LGBTQI+ people, we offer inclusive, sensitive, non-judgemental support and a safe space to connect with others.

Rainbow Mind’s services are impartial, independent, non-judgmental, confidential and person-centred. Service user participation is key in all aspects of planning, delivery and governance of the organisation and its services. They include:

· Free, courses and 1-2-1 therapeutic support to boost mental wellbeing and build emotional strength – designed specifically for LGBTQ+ community members

· Monthly Mind & Body sessions for exploring mental and emotional wellness through body focused work

· Community building and co-production of Rainbow Mind approach through ongoing gatherings that include social and therapeutic elements

North London Action for the Homeless (NLAH) runs a drop-in centre that is open to all who are homeless or in need with an ethos of service, respect and acceptance and strives to influence policy and overcome barriers to accommodation and other services to which homeless and excluded people are entitled. They have run sessions for homeless people, the socially isolated, and those in financial hardship in Hackney for over 25 years.

NLAH was established in direct response to the basic needs of rough sleepers and homeless people, and in recent years have seen their numbers increase dramatically. They have an experienced and committed team of volunteers and receive huge support from local businesses. As well as meals, NLAH aims to provide a sense of community to people who feel isolated or find themselves on the margins.

Sistah Space work with African heritage women & girls who've experienced domestic or sexual abuse or who have lost a loved one to domestic violence.

Many of their survivors are from different sections of the African & Caribbean community, including the Rastafarian/ Grassroots community - who are often on the fringes of society. Rastafarian women are among those who have the highest rate of underreporting. Their specialised service seeks to assist those who are apprehensive about going to mainstream services without support, such as the police and other statutory services.

They provide advice and support as well as practical help by providing hygiene products such as sanitary pads, panties, bras, toothbrushes, toothpaste, soaps and other essential items (much of which have been donated by the local community).

Their mission is to encourage African heritage survivors/victims to report abuse by providing a safe cultural venue for victims to disclose abuse in a confidential environment, and to encourage community integration.

If you are shopping Black Friday sales, we encourage you to shop small where possible! Click here for tips on how to get started supporting small & independent businesses.