We spoke to our very own Emily, W&M maker (and head of studio plants!) on ways to be more eco-friendly in gardening, permaculture and tips for growing when you have limited outdoor space.
Read on to learn about the small changes we can make to minimise our environmental impact and contribute to ecosystems through plants.
What is Permaculture?
Permaculture comes from “permanent agriculture” and is a sustainable way of living that enables us to provide for human needs whilst cooperating with nature and drawing inspiration from natural ecosystems. These practical methods are ecologically harmonious, efficient and productive systems that result in thriving and happy ecosystems, minimising environmental impact!
The principles are being constantly developed and refined by people throughout the world in very different climates and cultural circumstances, this is one of the beautiful things about permaculture… anyone can do it! You by no means have to be an expert to practise permaculture friendly methods and this blog post will talk you through 5 ways of introducing permaculture to your day to day life wherever you may live.